Executive Functions

What are Executive Functions?

Executive functions are cognitive processes that combine to help you manage time, materials, and your self-monitoring skills. All serve to help you complete a goal.

Examples of executive functions are ability to break a project down into chunks and to do those chunks in real time. They provide the ability to shift from big-picture to detail and back again, to organize notes to learn and to write, to manage your energy and emotions in the service of a goal.

There are many components of executive functions, but the best definition we know is the ability to marshal time, energy, and materials in the service of a goal. It is like an inner secretary keeping your life organized and on track.

Do you suspect your Executive Functions aren’t strong?

When executive functions are weak and you can’t afford a secretary, Educational Therapy can help you learn to track time, to change bad habits like procrastination, and to organize work in a manner that helps meet deadlines.

Many people have executive function deficits. Those with ADHD, spectrum disorders, and dyslexia often have trouble keeping track of all their required tasks.

It isn’t just keeping track that can be hard. Knowing how to begin a project and how the project should look can be difficult as well.

When there is an assignment, many people tell us that they don’t understand what they are being asked to do, and they are sure that everyone else already does know. This can be true, because most of us function by calling up mental templates for writing or studying.

Most of us can estimate how long it will take and what the beginning, middle, and end of the process will be. When you don’t, you can feel lost.

How can Executive Functions be stronger?

We are here to help you learn to manage yourself, your time, and your work. It can be done by learning about time, learning to visualize your schedule and your work, and learning to execute those small steps that add up to a completed task.

Over time, Educational Therapy can help you internalize the “road maps” of executive functions you may need and to do them in real time.

Reach out now.

Let us help you take control of your learning and success today so that you can feel confident in all areas of your life.

Call (646) 236-8343 or complete the contact form below.