What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is divided into two types: inattentive and hyperactive. A person may have symptoms of both types.

Inattentive ADHD often presents itself with symptoms that include difficulty focusing or paying attention, getting distracted easily, difficulty listening because of distraction, and a tendency to make careless mistakes.

The hyperactive strand, on the other hand, may present itself with symptoms such as constant fidgeting, the need to get up often, or the inability to sit still while concentrating on a task.

What is the cause of ADHD?

While the exact cause of ADHD is not known, researchers attribute the disorder to a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Like dyslexia, the root of ADHD has to do with neurobiological factors, specifically levels the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. Low levels of these two important neurotransmitters cause the brain to have difficulty regulating itself, resulting in the symptoms of ADHD.

ADHD can be treated with medication, by behavioral approaches such as psychotherapy or Educational Therapy, or by a combination of these. Individuals with ADHD may have pronounced weaknesses in their executive functions, so training in organization, study skills, time management, and good habit formation is often the key to helping people with ADHD function in an optimized way.

It is important to know that ADHD has a high rate of comorbidity. This means that ADHD is likely to travel with other types of learning issues like dyslexia or mental health issues such as anxiety.

Totally separate from intelligence level…

Like dyslexia, ADHD has nothing to do with intelligence level. However, people with ADHD may feel that they cannot handle the tasks they need to complete at school or work. They experience difficulty trying to stay focused during a lesson, meeting, or while trying to plan out and complete an assignment.

If your ADHD is coupled with other learning issues like dyslexia or NVLD, you may feel that you simply can’t “get it together” or that you are too stupid to succeed in life.

This is not true! But it may be a misunderstanding that you believe about yourself or that others believe about you.

Managing ADHD through Educational Therapy…

Educational Therapists are vigorously trained in understanding and treating the symptoms of ADHD by looking at the underlying causes. If you have ADHD or a combination of ADHD and other learning issues, Educational Therapy can be an excellent option for you.

Because we are experts in learning differences and disabilities, we can use your unique cognitive profile (that is, the way your brain works) to develop strategies that will strengthen your weaknesses and help you learn to manage and regulate the issues that your ADHD or other learning differences may cause.

When you become better able to self-regulate, your anxiety in high-pressure or challenging school and work situations may become more manageable. With the right help and tools, you can finally begin to feel that you are capable of being successful and that your learning differences do not define you.

We can help you.

Let us help you take control of your learning and success today so that you can feel confident in all areas of your life.

Call (646) 236-8343 or complete the contact form below.