Coming Soon: (Neuro)Diverse

Serving the community

EdTherapy NYC was born so that we could use our skills as Educational Therapists to serve the community of adults with learning differences. We realized that the need is greater than we (just two people) can support on our own.

To better serve the entire LD community, we are working on something new called (Neuro)Diverse.

Online support 

(Neuro)Diverse will be an online community where adults with LD can access the support they need to manage their learning differences or disabilities.

Through the (Neuro)Diverse  platform, you will be able to connect with people who share in your experience for advice and support so that you can navigate college, graduate school, or the workplace more easily. You will also be able to access the latest information on how to manage your learning difference(s) through our magazine and podcast.

(Neuro)Diverse is putting everything you need in one place: people, perspectives, professionals, products, and possibilities to help you take control of your life today.

Check Out the (Neuro)Diverse Podcast!

Your learning difference does not define you!

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