What is Educational Therapy?

Educational Therapy is a way to remediate learning issues that affect academics or performance in the workplace, and it can have a positive impact on a person’s confidence and well-being.

The goal of Educational Therapy is to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in both school and in your career.

These skills involve metacognition, which is looking at the big-picture challenge of knowing what to do when faced with a novel problem, and why. When we are in control of our metacognitive processes, we become able to strategize and self-regulate, so that we can complete whatever task is before us. This is a good definition of the popular term: executive function.

Educational Therapy helps you gain new and better functioning in areas that need improvement, like reading, writing, memory, and organization of time, materials and thoughts. Our focus will be on those concrete skills that you need to strengthen.

If reading, attention, and/or organizational issues have caused you to feel stressed or anxious in your daily life, Educational Therapy may be a good option to help you learn the practical skills that you need to develop.

Our goals

We will set new goals together, because all of our clients have unique needs. With practice, you will be better able to maintain a sense of agency when confronted with new demands and challenges at school or at work.

Our favorite word to describe the change that can take place is agency: a new sense that you have flexible tools to take your work to the next level.

Educational Therapy can help you change your perception of yourself and enhance your self-esteem by replacing old habits of mind with science-based skills in the field of cognitively informed learning.

We work successfully on reading disability, non-verbal learning disability, memory deficits, listening, speaking and writing skills.

For College and Graduate School Students

Often, high IQ students with learning differences (like NVLD) or reading disabilities (such as Dyslexia) may “hit a wall” later in their academic lives.

They’ve been using their high intelligence to muscle-through or cover up their difficulties. But their relationship with themselves feels inauthentic.

This may cause them to collapse under the pressure to perform on exams, assignments, or in research and collaboration.

Click here to learn more about how Educational Therapy can customize learning strategies tailored to the needs of college and graduate level students with exceptionalities.

For Professionals in the Workforce

Nobody prepares you for your first day of work. It’s nothing like grad school, is it?

Now the social world on the job is about collaboration and competition, but it’s also about producing work not on a semester’s timetable, but in the moment.

If learning differences or organizational deficits or difficulties prevent you from excelling in your career, an Educational Therapist can design a set of strategies to address the specific issues and challenges you are facing in your new organization or place of work.

Click here to learn more about how Educational Therapy can help.

Failure to Launch

According to experts Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, one-third of college freshmen do not return to school after Thanksgiving break. They may have been pulled through high school by tutors and may not know how to function independently. (To read more about what Stixrud and Johnson say, click here)

Educational Therapy can teach people who have experienced difficulty in “lifting off” how to succeed independently.

With our expertise in educational strategies, organizational psychology, executive function coaching, and identification and remediation of learning differences and disabilities, we are highly trained to offer specific and individualized solutions that can help you overcome or compensate for your differences or disability.

Give Educational Therapy a try.

Let us help you take control of your learning and success today so that you can feel confident in all areas of your life.

Email us at info@edtherapynyc.com or complete the contact form below.